Phone: 01-291516

Child Range

Child Range

Clavicle Brace with Velcro

Code: C 05
Sizes Available: CH
Clavicle Brace with Velcro is a smart and a comfortable brace designed to immobilize, compress & stabilize fractures, involving the clavicle bone. It ensures linear union and no telescoping of the fractured clavicle bone.

Collar Soft

Code: B 01
Sizes Available: CH
Cervical Collar Soft (Firm Density) is used for supporting, immobilizing or adjusting the neck in the required position. Recommended where a partial or controlled immobilization of the cervical region is required.

Foot Drop Splint - Child

Code: D 17 - CH
Sizes Available: Rt, Lf. S/M/L
Foot Drop Splint is designed with a dorsal shell made of polypropylene with a leaf spring action to arrest the plantar flexion movement and lift the foot. It supports and stabilizes the ankle and foot in all foot drop conditions. Designed to aid in swing phase toe clearance and to reduce plantar flexion impact in the early stance.

Pouch Arm Sling (Tropical)

Code: C 01
Sizes Available: CH
Pouch Arm Sling (Tropical) holds, supports and immobilizes the sprained, broken or surgically operated arm in the flexion position while it recuperates. A sleek and a smart design ideally suitable for tropical countries with hot and humid climatic conditions.